Dive Into Luxury

Pool Interior specialists bringing elegance and class to your home.

Clark Pool Interiors specialises in the application of pool interior finishes, carrying out works within the Sydney Metropolitan area and surrounds. Over the past 20 years Brian has carried out work for many of the industry's largest swimming pool constructors and partnering up with Jewels 4 Pools the leaders in the glass bead pool suppliers. As a result Brian Clark has built up a reputation for professionalism and quality workmanship.

With Clark Pool Interiors you can be assured that your finished pool will be of the highest quality with Brian and his team of applicators who have over 20 years of experience in the industry. As a result you can watch your pool being transformed, secure in the knowledge that it is being carried out by a fully licensed and insured team of applicators.


Perfect Match Finishes

Find your perfect match - theres one for everyone.


Clark Pool Interiors believe your swimming pool is not just a back yard pool, but rather it should be an extension of your home, social life and so should reflect your own style and individuality, whether you just want to cool down at the end of a long day or host a party for friends and relatives. Whatever your needs Clark Pool Interiors can provide a solution.

Paradise found just a step outside your backdoor